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    Can Suzhou electric welders and bricklayers from other provinces register in other places
    share  | 19-09-02release views ID:13015
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Can Suzhou electric welders and bricklayers from other provinces register in other places
  • Address:苏州市
    • Q Q:746623574@qq.comQQ online
    • Email:746623574@qq.com
    • contacts:杨老师
    • Tel:**** Click to view full number
      • gb-trade.net国际贸易网Remind you:Let you remit money in advance, or the price is obviously lower than the market price, are suspected of fraud, do not easily believe.
  • Info detail

特种技术工种:电工 架子工、混凝土工(砼工)、钢筋工、抹灰工、砌筑工、钣金工、石工、木工(模板工)、油漆工、瓦工、管道工、建筑电工、电焊工、送电线路架设工、变电线路安装工 砧刻工、砧细工、石雕工、木雕工、砌花街工、匾额工、泥塑工、推光漆工、彩绘工绿化工、花卉工 木工、瓦工、养护工 砌筑工 草坪建植工 植保工 电工 盆景工、水景工、花街工、起重工、 桩基操作工等;

中医药养生类 中医康复理疗  营养 健康咨询 健康教育




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