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    Shuangling, a professional low voltage power cable manufacturer, has rich experience
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Shuangling, a professional low voltage power cable manufacturer, has rich experience
  • Address:广州市
    • Q Q:zhongyi@86918.vipQQ online
    • Email:zhongyi@86918.vip
    • contacts:广州电缆
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      • gb-trade.net国际贸易网Remind you:Let you remit money in advance, or the price is obviously lower than the market price, are suspected of fraud, do not easily believe.
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名称:交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆型号:YJV22、ZR-YJV22额定电压:8.7/15kV规格:35~400mm²芯数:3芯描述信息用途:本产品适用于工频额定电压8.7/15kV及以下配电网或工业装置中固定敷设之用。可敷设于室内、隧道、电缆沟及地下直埋敷设。特点:电缆能承受机械外力作用,但不能承受大的拉力。广州电缆厂有限公司 中压交联电缆 产品信息欢迎广大客户前来咨询参观。我司电缆品种齐全,行业领先。 产品其他资料: 产品名称:充电桩电缆; 价格:1; 热销区域:大陆; 主营产品行业:五金、设备、工业制品; 企业类型:有限责任公司;


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