    How can a child's registered permanent residence be transferred back to his or her parents' name when his or her registered permanent residence is in someone else's name
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How can a child's registered permanent residence be transferred back to his or her parents' name when his or her registered permanent residence is in someone else's name
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孩子不随亲生父母入户,会被公安判定为虚假户口。根据分娩新生婴儿时在医院登记的信息,办理孩子出生证形成的原因而定,如果孩子是因为男女双方不符合当地的计生政策而生育子女的前提下,仅有亲子鉴定的证明,是无法迁移户口的;应根据孩子户口所在地的计生政策的相关规定,缴纳社会抚养费后 ,才能把孩子的户口迁入父母名下落户。


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