    Looking for quality projects
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Looking for quality projects
  • Address:广州市
    • Q Q:15375081594@163.comQQ online
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    • contacts:彭经理
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      • gb-trade.net国际贸易网Remind you:Let you remit money in advance, or the price is obviously lower than the market price, are suspected of fraud, do not easily believe.
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全国范围内寻符合国家产业政策的项目进行合作。公司自有资金,实力雄厚,有项目,缺资金,需融资,怎么办?我公司专注项目融资,企业资金雄厚,只要您有项目,与我方联系,承接500-10亿的大额抵押单(土地、在建工程、预售房、林权、矿山、机器设备等均可做抵押,)年息12%一18%。本单位直接放款,无前期费用,互相审核通过后即签订协议,贷款到账快,有项目速联系15375081594 彭经理(微信同号)

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