    Shanxi Taiyuan mid autumn double simulation motorcycle rental, hammer dancing machine rental
    share  | 19-09-02release views ID:78352
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Shanxi Taiyuan mid autumn double simulation motorcycle rental, hammer dancing machine rental
  • Address:太原市
    • Q Q:1577884263@qq.comQQ online
    • Email:1577884263@qq.com
    • contacts:李经理
    • Tel:**** Click to view full number
      • gb-trade.net国际贸易网Remind you:Let you remit money in advance, or the price is obviously lower than the market price, are suspected of fraud, do not easily believe.
  • Info detail

本公司租赁销售租赁各种高科技VR设备、机器人、泡沫机、发电单车、隐身屋、万丈深渊、儿童挖掘、斗牛机、旋转木马、沙狐球、桌上足球、淘气堡 模拟赛车、模拟射击、篮球机、模拟摩托(双人)、打地鼠、拳击机、气旋球、沙狐球、摇摆车、打气球、打小人、格斗机、拍蟑螂、听声音找动物机、桌上足球机、大力士锤、太鼓达人、喷火神枪,激光打靶、娃娃机、赶野猪、叮咚猴、充气城堡60平、踩蟑螂、体感游戏机、数字智力机、水果赌币机、儿童篮球机、海洋球、钓鱼池、攀岩、儿童弹珠机、充气手摇船、套圈圈、室内高尔夫、乒乓球台、飞镖机,火线出击,激光打汽球等上百种娱乐道具提供,让暖场活动更加精彩!广泛服务于山西,太原,大同,塑州,忻州,吕梁,阳泉,晋中,长治,临汾,晋城,运城,河北,邯郸,石家庄,保定,张家口,承德,唐山,廊坊,沧州,衡水,邢台,秦皇岛等地!

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